Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Meditating for answers?

I was talking to someone today and they said they were waiting for an answer from god.

I don't have a disbelief in a higher being, I just don't believe that you have to wait for an answer. Somehow, I strongly believe that we each have the power within us to be our own god. After all, aren't we created in the image of our creator? Something like that...

Nevertheless, I'm a strong believer in multitasking and letting the answers hit you randomly as you eat a hot dog on the corner.

Sigh. To sit and wait for answers? Or move with life and find them along the way?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

is bird porn profitable?

i was talking about this with my buddy, and it realllly got me thinking. I mean, zoophiles might watch it...but its not birds-human, its bird-bird. Is that appealing to a hidden market out there? Hey man, its a tough economy right now-we have to find new ways of making monay!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The New Virgin Mary?

So she's so crazy. She has the angelina lips. AAAAAnnddddd....this is even crazier...just think about it...

So 14 kids...and she didn't (I suppose) have sex to get pregnant right? Does that make her a Virgin Nadya? WOoOOOOAAAW.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Benjamin Button


this movie made me cry like no other. I cried for 3 hours. :( So sad. The pic above is brad pitt as a baby.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Screw Loans!

I have a college education, but at a price! Dam you!!!

I wish I looked happy like the guy in the photo, he prob had a trust fund. :(